It has been almost a year since we shot The Killing Game, a comedy short film written and directed by Andrej Iliev and produced by Luo Tong. Following a successful international festival run, which has included prizes from London Short Film Awards, California Short Film Festival and Vancouver Chinese Film Festival, as well as screenings across North America, Europe and Asia, we will be launching the film online on February 12th for free. Are you ready to play The Killing Game?
About the Film
Max (Nick Xu) is the best hitman in town, a gun for hire with killer looks. Loved by women and feared by the bad guys, he serves his own brand of justice to the criminals of Shanghai’s dark underbelly. Taking out local mob boss ‘Pretty Boy’ Wang shouldn’t be a problem for him. But all is not what it seems, and Max’s world threatens to unravel.
The Killing Game is a riotously funny riff on the gangster genre, brought to you by the award winning team behind Finding Bunny Girl and High Spirits. Mixing the seductive glamor of film noir with the raw energy of John Woo’s A Better Tomorrow, The Killing Game is a ride that keeps you guessing until the final twist.
About the Cast
Nick Xu
Nick Xu is an emerging acting talent from Shanghai, China. He has appeared in a variety advertising campaigns and corporate videos for the Chinese market. He is the star of the hit webseries Midnight Bites. The Killing Game is his first film role.
IMDb: nm8948431
Selected Filmography
《夜食者》Midnight Bites (2016)
《我是杀手》The Killing Game (2016)
《尼克的分子料理》Atomic Kitchen (2017)
Emilie Ohana
French-American actress Emilie Ohana has worked with Oscar-winning directors and actors including the Coen Brothers, Brett Ratner, Natalie Portman and Bradley Cooper. She has collaborated with talents such as Jiang Wen, Shu Qi, Huang Xuan. She played Susan in the hit TV series Love Me If You Dare with Huo Jianhua and Ma Sichun.
IMDb: nm0644919
Selected Filmography
《巴黎,我爱你》 Paris, Je T’Aime (2006)
《欲望巴黎》 Vatel (2000)
《纽约,我爱你》 New York, I Love You (2009)
《我是杀手》The Killing Game (2016)
《上海故事》Shanghai Story (2017)
About the Filmmakers
Andrej Iliev
Andrej Iliev is a filmmaker from Slovakia. At the age of 23, he moved to London, UK where he earned his BA Degree in Television Production and MA degree in Film. He is an accomplished photographer and cinematographer. He is currently in production on Shanghai Story, his first feature as director.
IMDb: nm7273589
Selected Filmography
《配音演员》 The Voiceman (2016)
《爱情游行》 The Love Parade (2016)
《我是杀手》 The Killing Game (2017)
《上海故事》 Shanghai Story (2018)
Luo Tong
Luo Tong has been producing commercial and independent projects for the Chinese and international market since 2002. She has worked extensively with overseas media organizations, including BBC, ITV, NPR, Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel as China co-producer.
IMDb: nm2519045
Selected Filmography
《阳关三叠》A Farewell Song (2006)
《2007世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会开幕式纪录片》 The Making of the 2007 Special Olympics Opening Ceremony (2007)
《兔女郎的想入非非》Finding Bunny Girl (2012)
《神采飞扬》High Spirits (2013)
《海神号事件》The Poseidon Project (2013)
《我是杀手》 The Killing Game (2017)