The journey of making The Six continues. Arthur Jones took his upcoming documentary on the untold story of Titanic’s Chinese passengers to La Rochelle, France, last month, attending film marketplace Sunny Side of the Doc. He was accompanied by Steven Schwankert (lead researcher on The Six). The pair have been drumming up more interest in the project, which will be moving forward into production soon, with an eye on a 2018 release date.
We’ve seen a massive surge of interest in the film following the release of a new teaser trailer on Facebook, coinciding with Sunny Side. Over 223,000 people have watched it in the past two weeks, with 1,500 likes and more than 2,000 shares. The project has also been reported by publications in China and around South East Asia.
If you haven’t caught it yet, you can view the new trailer (featuring new, previously unreleased footage) on Youku or on Facebook. Be part of the discussion! Like and follow the project on Facebook for the latest updates and news, with exclusive sneak peaks behind the scenes of this incredible story.