A Day with the “High Spirits” Cast

We had all the actors come by LostPensivos Films studio for informal interviews on “Bar, Live Drama” and character prepping for “High Spirits.”  After a long day of interviews and photo shoots, the day ended in a celebratory dinner where the cast could enjoy a relaxing meal with each other… and the food and drink never stopped coming. Hey, we’re celebrating! Exciting things are underway with “High Spirits!”

Click the image below and join us in following the actors around for the day…

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Creative Meetings Between Cast, Crew, and Scriptwriters & Photoshoot

As part of the ongoing process of developing the new comedy series High Spirits, LP Films is bringing cast, crew and scriptwriters together over the next few weeks for a series of creative meetings. First up, actor Su Junjie sat down with scriptwriter Chen Rong to discuss how Su’s character Awesome will be growing over the coming months. After …